Welcome to Your Holistic Oasis

Embrace Holistic Healing in Golden and Create a Shift Within

Welcome to Gay Lang, Reiki Master, in Golden! With over twenty years of experience in the healing arts, I bring a depth of knowledge and expertise to my sessions, from Reiki to Access Consciousness Bars, energy healing, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). I am dedicated to offering personalized treatments with unwavering care, making sure that each appointment is tailored to your specific needs.

As an intuitive healer, I flow positive energies throughout my client’s body with my years of training and practice. My body is attuned to be a channel for healing energy. My sessions are to help people restore balance, awaken their own natural healing abilities, and create a sense of well-being. As a Reiki Master Teacher, I bring a high vibration of light and love. 

What sets my sessions apart is that I guide my patients with a compassionate heart and intuitive awareness, ensuring a truly holistic experience. I am motivated by my heart’s desire to facilitate healing in others.

If you have experienced depression, anxiety, pain, disease or simply want to start practicing holistic health, I look forward to guiding you on the path to balance, wellness, and happiness. Give me a call today at (720) 205-3377 to book your appointment and let me help you find peace and joy. Take the first step towards healing and experience the transformative power of energy healing.

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Let Your Healing Journey Begin

Hey there! I'm Gay Lang, the heart behind your holistic well-being. Fill out the form below, and let's start a conversation about your journey. I look forward to connecting with you soon!